Why hurt the back if you are so long

Back pain knows almost everyone. Hard to find, not on this very unpleasant Symptom. Sometimes, sitting in an uncomfortable Position for some time, the discomfort in the lumbar area of the spine. But it is not a serious Problem, but simply a consequence of prolonged stay in an inappropriate pose. But strong pain in the lower back has almost always specific reasons and a reason for the doctor to go to. Not always, the diagnosis is expected, because osteochondrosis – only one of the possible problems, pain in the lower back.

What to do if your back hurts

Why can't it hurts the back and what to do in such a Situation – hard to guess. The doctor will diagnose and detect the cause of the pain, then we need to start with the treatment.

Pain syndrome – primary and secondary

Is understand why the back hurts, it must not be forgotten, that the causes of such pain can zig, and lovers to determine never a true source of problems.

In General, the medical classification, is the primary and secondary pain syndromes, which can affect the lumbar area.

Primary syndrome back pain caused by muscle-skeletal changes. He is the cause of the great majority of cases the occurrence of pain in the back in the lumbar spine. Most important reason – degenerative-dystrophic changes in the different areas of the spine

  • Osteochondrosis, which is a defeat of the bone and connective tissue, this disease has a dying character. He has a disc between the vertebrae and the adjacent vertebrae, developed the chronic disease of the spine.
  • inflammatory disease is a Form of osteoarthritis, the disease affects the joints between the vertebrae, which is responsible for the mobility of the spine, or articulationes synoviales.

Secondary pain syndrome has much more of a variety of causes for pain:

  • Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, as well as some other diseases of the growth;
  • different inflammation, with infectious character. For example, rheumatoid Arthritis, rheumatic disease, etc.;
  • the Tumor is located on the vertebrae, in the spinal cord or in the spatium retroperitoneale, regardless of whether you caused the primary or metastases;
  • Fracture of one or more vertebrae. This is perhaps one of the most serious causes for pain in the lower back;
  • various infectious diseases, which lead to the defeat of the vertebrae and the discs between them (tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.);
  • Disease of the heart, where it is a serious violation of the blood supply to the spinal cord. In this case, the feeling can occur is that the loin hurts;
  • Diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract. For example, acute appendicitis with atypical occurrence, intestinal obstruction;
  • often in the lower part of the back-reflected character of the pain. This Problem can occur if some of the diseases of the organs in the small pelvis area. For example, renal colic, venereal diseases (gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, Ureaplasma urealyticum, pelvic inflammatory disease – all these diseases are the cause of the reflected pain in the lower back).

What is acute and chronic pain

The Problem is not in the lower back

Back pain in acute and chronic, can be caused by a variety of problems and disorders, such as nerve endings and the spine. Often pain observed and displaced persons – the transmission of pain from other organs, which lie much deeper. In other words, the man loin hurts seems to be, although actually, the Problem in a completely different part of the body. But the most common in the lumbar spine, pain in the pelvic organs, pancreas, kidney, colon, or tumors behind the peritoneum projected.

In General, people don't know what to do if the loin hurts. But well, what to do is not necessary to treat it by yourself . Causes of pain are varied, the correct diagnosis can only be an expert, but a long term use of painkillers (what a lot of treatment) believe can even damage more.

Causes of acute pain

Before you decide what to do if severe discomfort in the lower back, any serious doctor shown pain is the cause. The causes may be different, but most of them somehow connected with the spine.

One of the simplest and harmless reasons for pain – acute strain of the muscles. In this case, the source of the pain, the long muscles in the attack. This Problem is rarely "pain" in other parts of the body, but not strong enough limits the mobility of the people. For this reason, a very common, often with your face athletes and people whose work is associated with various physical activities.

Injuries to the spine can cause pain in the lower back.

Other frequent but much more serious implications for the source of the pain is a fracture of the spine, especially when it comes to compressed fractures of the vertebral body. Most of the incorrect cases, and other injuries of the back happens. But if the man is Paget's illness of the endocrine system, osteoporosis, Paget's disease, or there are tumours in the area of the vertebral body, a fracture can happen and go unnoticed for the patient, as the proverb says, "out of the blue". And the man does not understand, if this breach has taken place.

Not less unpleasant Situation in which it occurs is acute pain in the lower back a herniated disc between the vertebrae in the lumbar spine. The symptoms of such problems are severe and acute back pain, which restrict the mobility. Usually the pain roots occurs due to the compression of the nerve. Features of this compression are:

  • Sensitivity disorder;
  • the disappearance or a significant reduction in the calcaneal Reflex;
  • the absence or reduction of the intensity of the reflex type;
  • unilateral radicular pain.

One of the unpleasant tendencies the Problem is that this shift can lead to the pathology below the vortex. The result is pain below the waist, can interfere with bladder function of the rectum and of the urinary. Localization of pain above the waist is also possible in some cases.

Acute pain in the back and possibly as a result of osteoarthritis of the joints between the vertebrae. In this case, the cause of the pain is the compression of the spine at the outlet from the spinal canal, the disc between the vertebrae, however, remains undamaged. This syndrome usually occurs as a result of the increase in the upper and lower facet joint between the vertebrae, resulting in the narrowing between the vertebrae opening up.

Localized lesion area of the spine is one of the major diseases, causing severe pain in the lower back. This disease requires urgent diagnosis and immediate treatment with all highly effective measures to surgical intervention is recommended, the main thing – to quickly eliminate contusion of the spinal cord.

Diseases of the hip joint is also often the cause for acute low back pain. For you pain radiating into the lower part of the loin, in the legs up to the knees.

Causes for chronic back pain Deforming Spondylosis

One of the reasons for the emergence of chronic pain in the spine. In this disease, a change in the vertebral body of the lumbar spine occurs. At the end of the channel of the spine, bony appendages narrows begin, pressure on the nerve root. Aching pain may be due to numbness and weakness in the legs, as well as other neurological symptoms. In any case, it is necessary, it will be a full investigation, the results of the final diagnosis will be installed on.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic systemic disease of the joints, it can also be the cause of chronic pain. It is shown driven by lower back pain appears quickly and a curvature of the spine in the area of the breast developed spine. The first signs are limited mobility and a reduction in the movements of the chest when breathing.

Often cause pain in the lower back of oncological diseases and metabolic disorders. But even benign tumors can cause chronic pain, accompanied is not of neurological symptoms.

Osteomyelitis can also pain the cause of pain in the lower back, the pain can be very long.

The distribution of pain – depending on the disease

With the defeat of organs of small pelvis, pain in the lower back, usually appears. The cause can be endometriosis, for example. In men, such pain can occur in chronic Prostatitis.

Various kidney disease, provoking pain to the palpitations of the spine and the ribs.

Problems of the gastro-intestinal tract (tumors of the duodenum or of the stomach, the pancreas, the disease of a hollow organ) is cause pain in the area of the segments T10-L2.

The lower parts of the back hurt also in chronic disease of the mucous membrane of the colon, tumors of the colon and bowel diseases.

Pain in the lumbar and thoracic can also occur due to the stratification of the Aorta.


As you can see, lower back pain may be due to many diseases. The man is often not expected that the Problem hurts but not there, "where is it". So even if it hurts the lower back not constantly, but from time to time – don't pull, please contact your doctor . Any disease is easier to handle in an early stage, and not when it is in a state of neglect and drags a lot of complications.